My donation

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I donate every month

Why donate ?

  • These amounts take into account the cost of the animal and the costs necessary for the independent management of a livestock shelter, veterinary care and training of the breeder over 3 years.

Since 2001, Elevages sans frontieres sets up livestock projects in the poorest countries in Africa and Eastern Europe. Multiple goat farming projects, chickens or market gardens , have enabled poor people to access healthy food , local and sustainable .

Thanks you, already 10 000 families have seen their lives improve for a long time !

My coordinates

* Required Fields (this information is mandatory to issue your tax receipt)

Respect of your privacy

By making a donation on this site, your information will be only kept by our services but it won't be sold or exchanged. You have a right to access, delete and modify any personal data by writing to our association on:

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.

This donation platform is provided by our partner iRaiser.
Adding a voluntary contribution to iRaiser on top of your donation means you enable them to cover some of the costs associated with the platform and thus support more organizations like ours.

Confirm my payment

The 3 digit security code is located on the back of your card


I prefer with my IBAN

Help us in total confidence

All banking transactions on the site Elevages sans frontieres are secured.

All information exchanged to process the payment is encrypted using the SSL protocol: the data can not be detected, intercepted or stored on our computer systems.

For more information, please contact us by phone at (+33)3 20 74 61 71.